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Tree planting a fitting tribute to Kyneton doctor

The family of a doctor who began practising in Kyneton in the 1970s will maintain a strong connection to the town after going online...

Cyclists call for drivers to take more care

Bike Safe Macedon Ranges has called on drivers to look out for cyclists and pass them with care following a series of incidents on...

Chinese land grab in Sunbury “good for local economy”

The $40 million sale of a 206-hectare residential site south of Sunbury to Chinese investors represents a great opportunity for the growing town, a...

Police continue hunt for Lancefield home invaders

Investigators from the sex crimes squad set up a caravan in Lancefield last Thursday and Friday as they continued to hunt the men responsible...

V/Line will not enforce Sunbury ban

Restrictions barring Sunbury commuters from Bendigo-bound V/Line trains will not be enforced until next year. The state government has also promised that Sunbury will receive...

Mt Macedon septic system trial a success

New septic systems installed at dozens of Mount Macedon properties will help prevent bacteria and viruses seeping into nearby waterways. The works, part of a...

Gisborne boys make a great case

Two Gisborne boys who witnessed an assault, followed the perpetrator and noted his car details and description, leading to an arrest, have earned high...


Studios open for autumn

In a celebration of autumn, artists from Macedon and Mount Macedon will welcome visitors to their studios throughout a weekend in May, offering an...