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Tag: Spring

Gardens of goodness

You’re invited to spend some thyme at an open edible garden this weekend. Twelve edible gardens will be open during the Kyneton Daffodil and Arts...

Blooming good weekend

Welcome the change of season and blossoming plants with a spring flower show this weekend. The Kyneton Horticulture Spring Society Spring Flower Show, hosted by...

Gardens ready to shine

Spring is in the air at the Gardens of Tieve Tara. Located in Mount Macedon, the garden will reopen this Sunday to show off its...

Spring keen in Sunbury

It may be winter, but spring is in the air at Distinctive Options Sunbury. The disability service and support organisation hosted a working bee last...

Spring into flower festival

The Kyneton Daffodil and Arts Festival will soon be in full bloom. Festival secretary Margaret Dearricott said the event, now in its 47th year, was...

A snowy spring in the Macedon Ranges

Spring has sprung a very cold snap in the Macedon Ranges. Instead of sunshine, the first week of the season brought several days of snowfall. Temperatures...


Designing dry garden oases

Kyneton Horticultural Society’s next speaker night will present a talk from accomplished Macedon Ranges gardening expert Michael McCoy, covering the topic of dry gardens. A...