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Tag: mental health

Mental health first aid for teens in crisis

A Gisborne mum who took part in a youth mental health first aid program is encouraging others to equip themselves with skills that could...

Sunbury postnatal group’s lifesaving work

Many women experience some form of ‘‘baby blues’’ in the days after having a child. But when Sunbury’s Leanne Schultz gave birth to her...

Students speak up about mental health together

Speak up and speak out about mental health – that was the message to young people of the Macedon Ranges from this year’s Live4Life...

Health workers rally for marriage equality

A Macedon Ranges community health service has called on federal MPs to legalise same-sex marriage, saying the move would greatly improve the health of...


Preventing Gendered Violence At Work

Safer workplaces are on the way with a state government initiative aiming to prevent work-related gendered violence. WorkSafe Victoria has partnered with the Sir Zelman...