Students speak up about mental health together

Bandie Beltrame, Laura Croizer, hakim Juma’at, Bryce Borg and Dara Hunt. Picture: Kristian Scott

Speak up and speak out about mental health – that was the message to young people of the Macedon Ranges from this year’s Live4Life initiative.

The council-supported program finished with a celebration at Braemar College last Wednesday.

More than $2000 in prizes were handed out to winners of art categories, including photography and multimedia.

Deputy mayor Russell Mowatt said students could be proud of their efforts to promote positive mental health messages.

Live4Life, in its sixth year, gives secondary school students, parents and teachers the chance to undergo mental health first-aid training and provides teens with leadership opportunities.

Schools involved this year include Braemar College, Gisborne and Kyneton secondary colleges, Sunbury and Macedon Ranges Specialist School and Sacred Heart College.