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Dinner and donate

The Sunbury Neighbourhood Kitchen is inviting you to its annual Pay It Forward dinner. Now in its sixth year, the dinner is the kitchen’s biggest...

Goonawarra Primary’s fundraising superheroes

Goonawarra Primary School was taken over by superheroes on a mission to raise funds for the Red Shield Appeal last Friday. Wonder Woman and BatGirl...

Sunbury revs up for Good Friday appeal

Hundreds of cars ranging from vintage classics to contemporary racers will be put on show at Sunbury’s Langama Park on Good Friday to raise...

Eyes down and boogie

It’s disco bingo time at Werribee Support and Housing (WSH) … in a bid to raise cash for Wyndham’s most vulnerable children. Margaret Bateman wanted...

Pancake fundraiser for flipping good cause

Gisborne Uniting Church’s annual Pancake Day fundraiser helps people in times of crisis. Volunteers will be serving up these simple delights at the IGA supermarket...

Macedon Cats get going to help Amy

Macedon Football Club is urging people to help a young woman battling the chronic late stage of a neurological condition known as Lyme disease. The...

Christmas tree sales help Scouts grow

Sunbury residents can find the perfect Christmas tree and help local young people by supporting an annual scout fundraiser. The 1st and 3rd Sunbury Scout...

Still time to sign up for Sunbury Relay for Life

Organisers of Sunbury’s Relay for Life are asking anyone whose life has been touched by cancer to sign up for this weekend’s charity event. Chairwoman...

Fundraising cyclists conquer hard roads

Woodend cyclists have raised close to $160,000 for the fight against cancer in the past three years. Spokes of Hope’s 14 members completed their third...

Kyneton homecoming a truly ‘big’ moment

Joel Bertoncini’s homecoming was fit for a hero as he ran through Kyneton’s crowded main street on the final leg of his journey from...

Woodend team raises $50k for cancer ride

A team of Woodend cyclists raising money for the fight against cancer is close to smashing through the $150,000 barrier. Spokes of Hope’s 14 members...

Gisborne Colour Run boosts health

The athletic gear of hundreds of runners took on rainbow hues as part of a Gisborne charity event to help local health services. Close to...

Charity benefit for family of Dennis Long

From the CFA and SES, to Landcare and the Mount Players … wherever there was a job to be done, Bullengarook’s Dennis Long was...

Joel’s cancer run to Sydney for ‘Big Pete’

When Kyneton businessman Peter Connor died of cancer in 2009, Joel Bertoncini wasn’t in any shape to do more than a few laps of...

Spring into Blue September to fight cancer

People are being urged to join the fight against men’s cancers as part of Blue September. Autobarn Sunbury’s Peter Ryan, Brodie Meddings and Catherine Greenaway...


Responses sought for autism survey

Autism Awareness Australia (AAA) has launched its first national survey in 10 years, seeking feedback from parents and carers of children and young adults...

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