Unstoppable Lancefield youth

Bookings are encouraged.

Lancefield residents aged 25 years and under are encouraged to attend a youth brainstorming night on November 15, in hopes to develop an action plan for the town.

The session will be held on Wednesday, from 5pm at Lancefield Hall, with anyone aged 12 to 25 years old encouraged to attend, along with young people from neighbouring towns.

Lancefield’s original Youth Action Plan was developed in 2009, and organisers said they hope to gather information for a new plan.

Lancefield Neighbourhood House coordinator Vivien Philpotts said the original plan helped the development of projects throughout the years.

“The Youth Action Plan definitely helped get a skatepark in Lancefield and has given weight to several other projects over the years,” Ms Philpotts said.

“If young people want activities, events or a dedicated space it is a plan which will help make this happen.”

The event will be facilitated by Roy Maddocks, who was a part of creating the original plan, and organiser Jasmine Scott said they want to hear from young people about what they want.

Mr Maddocks will be conducting a number of fun activities and will help facilitate the group to create ideas for a youth friendly Lancefield future.

Pizza will be available on the night, and bookings are encouraged to help us make sure there is enough for everyone. Bookings can be made: lancefield.org.au/news, 54291214 or admin@lancefieldhouse.org.au.