Sunbury servicemen pass fundraising milestone

Sunbury National Servicemen’s Association members Jim Rae and Ken Old with St Mary’s Anglican Church minister Gavin Ward. Picture: Shawn Smits

A Sunbury group that has supported dozens of charities and community projects has no plans of easing up on its efforts after donating more than $20,000 in just eight years.

Almost all the money raised by the National Servicemen’s Association of Sunbury came from sausage sizzles held outside local hardware stores.

Secretary Ken Old said money had gone to such organisations as the Salvation Army, Legacy, CFA, SES and the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.

Local groups and initiatives, including CareWorks SunRanges, Sunbury Community Health, St Mary’s church emergency fund and the Rotary club’s community kitchen, have also benefited.

Mr Old said the local servicemen’s association branch, which organised Sunbury’s first Anzac Day dawn service earlier this year, was grateful for the community’s support.

‘‘We find this is a positive way to give back and help those in need,’’ he said.

The group, which meets once or twice a month to socialise, is open to all men who have completed national service.

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