Sunbury memorial service to promote healing

12-07-16 Pic of Leanne Quinlivan, Encounter Pastoral carer and Lyn Plummer, Parish Pastoral Coordinator of 'Our Lady Mt.Carmel Parish; are organising a memorial service for babies lost to miscarriage, stillbirth, SIDs etc. Photo by Damjan Janevski.

Organisers of a Sunbury service to remember babies lost to miscarriage, still birth, sudden infant death syndrome and adoption hope their July 24 event will be a step towards recovery for people grieving the loss of a child.

Encounter Church’s Leanne Quinlivan says emotional support, including counselling, will also be provided as part of Empty Arms-Healing Hearts, a free event put on by the Combined Christian Churches of Sunbury.

“The effects can be long lasting … not just on the women, but the men as well,” Ms Quinlivan says.

“I’m also a chaplain in an aged care centre, and I meet so many people who have never recovered from the loss of a baby due to miscarriage.

“We wanted to do something for these people who, even in their 80s and 90s, say ‘I still think of that baby every day’.”

The non-denominational service, at Sunbury Memorial Hall from 2.30pm, will include prayers, a candle-lighting ceremony, poetry, music and reflection.

Counsellors will be available to talk to people over afternoon tea.

“It’s a chance for people, young and old, to recognise what’s happened and take a step forward in healing,” Ms Quinlivan says.

“One in four pregnancies end in miscarriage. Our message is ‘don’t lose hope’.”

Details: 0428 036 219 or email