Sunbury hosts state BMX series

A group of Sunbury Stars riders at the recently upgraded Sunbury BMX track (Nick Trainor)

The Sunbury BMX Club hosted an action-packed round of the AusCyling BMX Racing State Series, attracting more 400 riders.

AusCycling is the national sporting organisation responsible for all forms of cycling in Australia, with the BMX Racing State series forming a critical part of the national BMX competition structure.

Held on Sunday, June 23, Max Cairns won the superclass men class and broke the Sunbury BMX track record with a ride a touch above 29 seconds.

The Sunbury event classes included superclass women, junior superclasses, and several age classes.

Sunbury BMX Club president Russell Hocking said that upgrades to the track allowed it to be chosen for this competition, which attracted riders from Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia.

Mr Hocking said the BMX sport offers benefits to all ages.

“I think it’s a fantastic community in BMX … we started about nine years ago [when] my son was 13 and it’s a fantastic community. It’s good life skills for kids [and] they learn life lessons from riding and competing and you get to meet some fantastic people,” he said.

He said that the upgraded track is open for all Sunbury residents, except when events are taking place.

“It’s not just for [the club], it’s for the public as well and we’ve been rewarded with the state series round.”

The Sunbury BMX Club’s main role is to provide competitions for riders, with options available for all age groups.

Oscar Parry