MY SUNBURY: Daniel Attard

By Esther Lauaki

What is your connection to Sunbury?


I’m a resident of Sunbury, I went to boarding school at Salesian College in ’78 and ’79.

I’ve known Sunbury for quite a long time.


How long have you lived in the area?


I’ve lived here since 1990, so 28 years.


What are you passionate about?


Scouting and being part of the community. I’m a Cub Scout leader at the 3rd Sunbury Scout Group.


What brought you to Scouting?


Scouting started for me in 1970. My two older brothers were Cub Scouts in Strathmore, my father was a Scout back in Malta – he was a Scout master – it was a natural progression. I never left, even when I was at boarding school, I would come back to the troop.


How long have you served in Scouts and what were your roles?


I started in Cubs and moved through the ranks at the group in Strathmore, up to Venturers at about 17 … eventually became a leader and took on a role as chairman of the board of management for the Rowallan Scout Camp in Riddells Creek. I’ve always been doing something in Scouting. I started at Sunbury in about 2003 when my eldest son turned eight and I took on a uniformed role again as a leader so that I could be there for him.

What’s kept you in Scouting for so long?


Scouting is all about the youth, and families certainly have a part to play. All the better for groups when families are involved … it’s very important. For me, it was an activity that I could do with my three sons. It’s an outdoor activity, or it can be indoors and there is a wide variety of things that you can do. The scope is endless. Why not do something that you love with your own children and take others along for the ride as well?


What is the best thing about Sunbury/Macedon Ranges?


Sunbury … is a terrific location for its history, and parklands. Especially around Jacksons Creek. We do love the Macedon Ranges also … for example Mt Macedon at the top where the memorial cross is. It’s somewhere we have spent a lot of Anzac dawn services.


Are there any events coming up in Scouting?


The Hume Scout district is organising for a contingent to travel to Canberra for the 100th anniversary of Armistice of the Great Wall on November 9.


What would people be surprised to know about you?


Not a lot. Most people in my community know that I’m a passionate (and long-suffering until last year) Richmond Football Club supporter. I also like going to Bathurst for the Bathurst 1000 regularly.