Sunbury College celebrates success

Sunbury College dux Kaeynaat Kaur (supplied).

Zoe Moffatt

Sunbury College students have celebrated the end of another successful year, with the school’s dux Kaeynaat Kaur highlighting the importance of sleep to avoid burnout during the challenging year.

Kaeynaat received an 88 ATAR and said she is happy the year is done, but felt sad when she saw her score as she was expecting a higher mark.

“I’m really confused and am still sad and depressed that I didn’t get what I wanted because I studied so hard,” she said.

Kaeynaat’s feelings from the year are ones that students around the state can relate to. She said if she had any advice to offer future students it would be to focus on sleep.

“I didn’t finish my biology exam, I studied until like 1 or 2 am. Prioritising sleep in year 12 and the exam period is really important.

“I feel really burnt out from the year… but [being awarded dux] makes me feel better.”

Looking towards the future, Kaeynaat said she wants to go straight into university and is looking at Deakin or RMIT.

“I want to study a bachelor of medical imaging. My cousin works in that field and I’ve been able to see how much they enjoy their work.”

Other high achieving students from the year include Charlotte Finn, who wants to study a law and arts degree, and Lili Richold, who wants to study biomedicine.

Lili also completed human biosciences this year, which is a first year university subject with La Trobe University.

She was one of only 256 students to undertake a university subject in Victoria this year, and completed it through the Centre for Higher Education Studies.

Assistant principal Fiona Scott-Young said it is exciting to see the students achieve their academic potential.

“We are really proud of our year 12 cohort and the way in which they approached their VCE and VCE VM studies this year,” Ms Scott-Young said.

“Pathway choices have been diverse and we look forward to following their progress in 2024 and beyond.”