Romsey’s men to get a shed of their own

Romsey Men's Shed has been granted funding for its establishment. Pic of Paul Green, treasurer and Steve Goodman, president. Photo by Damjan Janevski.

By Jessica Micallef

Men in Romsey will have a new place to gather after the state government announced $60,000 to build a new Romsey men’s shed.

President of the Romsey men’s shed Steve Goodman said the new shed: “Means everything to a whole lot of people”.

“Once you stop working, you’re left with a big hole so it gives people something to do.”

Men’s sheds help to promote health and wellbeing and enhance community engagement and are used by men from a range of different backgrounds and age groups.

Mr Goodman said the shed would help to improve the mental health of men and is open to all residents in the area.

“It’s not just a men’s shed but it’s a community-type shed,” Mr Goodman said.

Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas welcomed the funding for the shed.

“This men’s shed will be a wonderful asset for the Romsey community,” Ms Thomas said.

“Having somewhere to go and spend time with other men makes a huge difference to men’s health and wellbeing.”

The Romsey men’s shed is the 100th shed to receive funding support through the state government’s 2018-19 round of men’s sheds grants.