Rates pain looms as values rise

By Esther Lauaki

Ratepayers in the east and south of the Macedon Ranges shire could face hefty rates increases, with property valuations across the shire up about 15 per cent on average.

The annual rates notices will be sent out
later this month and will be based on new property valuations, as assessed at January 1 this year.

The council says its latest figures show an average value increase for all property types of 14.94 per cent in the past two years across the Ranges. It says that while properties in all areas increased in value, the biggest increases were in Romsey and Riddells Creek in the east and New Gisborne and Gisborne in the south, as well as Malmsbury in the west.

Macedon Ranges council has told ratepayers they should keep in mind that while the state-imposed rate cap is 2.25 per cent, actual rate increases will vary from property to property depending on individual valuation changes.

Meanwhile, Hume property values have increased on average by 31 per cent.

Hume mayor Geoff Porter said that for many home owners, increasing property values would be good news and an indicator of the revitalisation that is taking place across Hume City.

“What the general revaluation does is redistribute rates based on the new property value – some ratepayers will have minimal change, some will have increases and some will have decreases,” Cr Porter said.

“On average, residents in Sunbury and Greenvale will see little change in their

The state government has mandated that revaluations be undertaken annually from 2019 with the aim of eliminating big fluctuations and making it easier for property owners to plan their finances.