Rainbow voices soar

Adam Przewlocki, Dawn Whittall and Pete Muntz from the Rainbow Voices Community Choir, and they want you. (Damjan Janevski).

There’s an exciting opportunity for local LGBTIQA+ people and allies to raise their voices and sing their hearts out in Kyneton: say hello to the Rainbow Voices Community Choir (RVCC).

The RVCC is about as welcoming as it gets too, calling for all crooners, from shower singers to professionals, to get involved with renowned musician and Kyneton local Adam Przewlocki’s grassroots initiative.

“It’s never been in my interest to be involved in university level choirs, it’s been much more my interest to be involved in un-auditioned, all-inclusive spaces, to aim for something that is truly excellent,” Mr Przewlocki said.

And being a part of something with Mr Przewlocki involved is incredible in itself – he’s one of Australia’s leading choir directors, a trained concert pianist who studied at the Royal Academy of Music in London.

“I retired from full time performing and went into teaching and then went into choir directing about 15 or 16 years ago,” Mr Przewlocki said.

“Ever since then I’ve been really passionate about establishing strong, grassroots community choir programs in areas that may not have the level of expertise that I can provide.”

It’s the first ever LGBTIQA+ choir in the Macedon Ranges, and MPrzewlocki said he wanted to create a space where queer young people could come to feel safe.

RVCC is open to people aged 13 and older, from 4-6pm on Sundays at the Kyneton Community House, where they will get ready for the Out Loud and Proud Festival in Sydney early next year.

“I want them to know that they can come to my space, every Sunday evening, and feel very much like they belong and they can have connections and not feel a sense of isolation,” Mr Przewlocki said.

To get involved, email admin@kynetoncommunityhouse.org.au or call 5422 3433

Elsie Lange