Old fashioned fun returns

St Ambrose Parish School principal Bronwyn Phillips with school captains Elijah and Ava (Damjan Janevski). 389729_03

Woodend residents are invited to have some good old fashioned fun at the St Ambrose Parish School Fete on Saturday, March 16.

The event promises to have something for all ages to enjoy, including plenty of activities for the kids, from art and crafts and face painting, to an obstacle course and dunking machine.

There will also be plenty of stalls to choose from, including books, clothing, plants, bric-a-brac, honey, show bags and more.

School principal Bronwyn Phillips said the school community is delighted to be able to open its doors for everyone to enjoy a fete to remember

“Our main aim is to bring people together to connect, have fun, reinforce friendships, and celebrate our local town and wonderful school,” she said.

“Our fete is entirely volunteer-driven, under the management of a dedicated event committee made up of conscientious parents.

“[They] are working tirelessly to ensure the event is both successful and enjoyable for everyone involved.“

Ms Phillips said the funds that are raised will be used to support projects that benefit the whole school.

Other highlights include a silent auction with plenty of amazing prizes up for grabs, along with live entertainment, including DJ tunes.

Residents are encouraged to make a day of it and enjoy tasty treats all day long, with a BBQ, coffee van and scones and jam all on offer.

The fete will take place from 9am until 1pm. Details: www.facebook.com/StAmbroseParishSchoolFete/