Health hub for old Romsey school site

Henry McLaughlin, Cobaw chief executive Margaret McDonald, and the community park group’s Geoff Neil. Picture: Shawn Smits

The health and recreation needs of growing communities in the east of the Macedon Ranges are a step closer to being met, with the federal government providing almost $1 million for a shared centre at a former school site.

The council, Greater Romsey All Abilities Park committee and Cobaw Community Health last week welcomed $997,478 for the joint project to redevelop the historic site on the corner of Main and Palmer streets.

The former school building will be transformed into a community health hub, with upgrades and extensions to provide consulting rooms, reception and waiting areas and a community meeting space.

A community park will be developed in the picturesque grounds.

Cr Henry McLaughlin said the project would restore a historic community asset and improve health services in the area.

‘‘It will also accommodate the growing community and create a public space that will be visited by people from the Macedon Ranges and beyond and become a favourite destination for many years to come,’’ he said.

Cobaw chief executive Margaret McDonald said the development would give the health service, which has centres in Woodend and Kyneton, full coverage across the municipality.

The next stage of planning is expected to begin early next year, with residents given the opportunity to share their ideas for the site.