Fight for Sunbury bike path goes on

Cyclists have criticised the state government’s response to calls to extend a dangerous path beside Vineyard Road at Sunbury.

As reported by Star Weekly, the VicRoads-managed path currently ends at Moore Road, about 200 metres short of the Calder Freeway overpass, forcing cyclists and pedestrians heading for Diggers Rest to cross onto the road.

Sunbury Bicycle Users Group member Hector Bugeja wrote to Roads Minister Luke Donnellan and Sunbury MP Josh Bull, who shares his concerns, calling for urgent action.

But Mr Bugeja said a recent response from Mr Donnellan’s office, which talked of strategies and possible major upgrades in the longer term, was disappointing.

‘‘That’s all good, but for the moment it’s such an easy fix,’’ he said. ‘‘There’s just got to be somebody prepared to put up the money.’’

VicRoads metro north-west regional director Vince Punaro said path improvements would be considered as part of a $100 million program for new facilities across the state. He also promised to contact Mr Bugeja.

Hume council’s acting city infrastructure director David Fricke said the council had previously assessed whether a simple extension was feasible.

‘‘It is difficult … because of the narrow bridge and the need to cross the entry and exit lanes,’’ Mr Fricke said.