Men’s shed clearance sale

Hume Men's Shed Sunbury president Dale Wilkes with some items to be sold at the clearance sale. (Damjan Janevski) 309421_02

The Hume Men’s Shed Sunbury is doing a clear out and residents are invited to come and buy their wares, just in time for the holiday season.

On Saturday, December 3, from 8am until 2pm, the guys at the shed will be selling a mixture of items made by members, as they do every six months or so.

“Such as things like bread boards, wooden toys, chairs and tables for kids, and a selection of other things,” shed president Dale Wilkes said.

He said it would be the second sale since lockdown ended, in their ongoing efforts to self-fund their activities where they can.

“Any money we make goes towards the operational costs, because our fees are quite low,” he said.

People go to the men’s shed because of a sense of community and activity and members have a wide skill set, which gets shown off at their garage sales.

“They come down and they enjoy their time, when they are pottering around and making something useful. They get some joy out of that,” Mr Wilkes said.

“The things that are actually quite good are the bread boards. There’s a number of coat racks and they are made out of various things including all railway spikes and billiard balls.

“One of the guys creates artworks, which is basically timber with a pattern burnt onto it.”

He said for the many years they’ve been doing the sales, it’s not been about charging a lot of money for the creations.

“We just try to create some value, make things people will enjoy for a reasonable price.”

The Hume Men’s Shed Sunbury will take both card and cash on the day at 158 Evans Street, Sunbury.

Elsie Lange