Making history in Malmsbury

Malmsbury Primary School students at the parade (supplied).

From nine years old to 90, Malmsbury Primary School students, staff, parents and alumni, gathered on the weekend to celebrate the school’s 150th anniversary.

The historical celebration was held on Saturday, December 2, and kicked off with a parade around the Malmsbury cricket ground.

Principal Travis Pool said the 71 students at the school and staff have been doing a unit of history this term as preparation.

“They’ve done the Malmsbury heritage walk, [and] we also had access to the train station. The kids have been enjoying learning about the town they live in,” he said.

“[The students] could decorate their bikes for the ride [and] any old students or staff were invited to join in the parade.

“We also [had] a mini truck carrying around the elderly, as we [had] ex-students in their 90s.”

After the parade, attendees gathered for the official ceremony, which included a Welcome to Country, smoking ceremony and time capsule burial. Macedon MP Mary-Anne Thomas was also in attendance.

“We opened our frog bogs outdoor learning area, [had] a barbeque lunch for everyone… [and] a photographer came around to get group photos through the decades,” Mr Pool said.

“We were able to get a lot of old school photos dating back to 1967 and archives. [It was] a great time for people to catch up.

“The time capsule included little messages from the students about themselves and their current interests, news clippings, and a USB stick with photos. It’s due to be open on the 200th celebration.”

Mr Pool said while he has only been at the school for almost 18 months, he was really happy to be a part of the 150 year history and the celebrations.

Zoe Moffatt