Noel Rowling Pic Marco De Luca

What is your connection to the Macedon Ranges?


I was born in Kyneton in 1953. Later I moved to Western Australia but came back to Kyneton and then stayed. Most of my life I’ve been here.


How long have you lived in the area?


I’ve been living in Gisborne for about 18 years.


What are you passionate about?


My greatest passion is sport. I barrack for Essendon and I’m a Melbourne Storm supporter. I also enjoy playing lawn bowls and watching the juniors (under 18s) progress in lawn bowls.


How did you become involved with the Woodend Football Netball Club?


Got involved with the Woodend football club in 1968. There was myself, Geoff Watts, John Watts, Garry Gallagher and John Robinson from Kyneton. We were 14 and 15 year olds back then and we played on Sundays while the seniors and reserves played on Saturdays.

It was fantastic that the football club, as it was back then, took us on board. Many thanks to our 18 year-old coach Alan (Pud) Williams who coached the ’67 side to runners-up and ’68 premiership. We went to Kyneton Football Club in 1969, but I have always had a keen interest on how the club has progressed since then. The Woodend Football Netball Club has great people running their club. To see small clubs keep going is great in this time and age of football.


How long did you play football?


I played football for about 10 years and also played and umpired basketball in Kyneton for many years.


What other hats do you wear in the community?


I used to be involved with the Central Highlands Rangers junior lawn bowls development under 18s squad for many years.


What would people be surprised to know about you?


I got married for the first time in 2001. I was 47.


What is the best thing about living in the Macedon Ranges?


There is a great country atmosphere here and the sporting talent coming out of the area is very good. The people living in the Macedon Ranges are the best part.


If you could change anything about the area, what would it be?


Make sure there is ample disabled parking in the Macedon Ranges shire as there is not enough.