Macedon Ranges’ aero club is soaring above the rest of the nation.
Kyneton Aero Club (KAC) has been named the 2017 Aero Club of the Year, selected from nominees across the country.
“Kyneton Aero Club epitomises everything an aero club should be,” according to the judges of the national Wings Awards. The annual awards are judged by members of the Australian Division of the Royal Aeronautical Society and Australian Flying magazine.
KAC vice president Warren Canning said the club was “absolutely thrilled” with the accolade.
“It’s very much recognising all of the community contribution the aero club makes and also the aero club’s contribution to airmanship and aviation safety,” Mr Canning said.
The club is mainly used for recreational flying and flight training but also acts as a firebase during bushfire season. In emergencies the club assists with refueling, water pick-up, crew rotation, rest facilities and command and communication.
KAC members also volunteer with local and national organisations year-round.
“We regularly host local Scout groups for their air badge,” Mr Canning said.
“We give them theory lessons and practical experience in an aircraft … at the aero club’s cost.”
The club holds its Gourmet Hot Dog ‘fly-in’, on the first Saturday of each month which involves pilots flying in to buy hotdogs and network with fellow aviators while raising money for the Neuroscience Foundation.
The aero club’s annual Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea fundraiser has contributed $35,000 to the Cancer Council over the past eight years. KAC also supports the FunFlight charity and the Air Force Cadets.
“Kyneton Aero Club epitomises everything an aero club should be,” according to the judges of the national Wings Awards. The annual awards are judged by members of the Australian Division of the Royal Aeronautical Society and Australian FlyingThe club will host a community open day in November to celebrate the award.