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Tag: Kyneton aero club

Airfield ready for takeoff

Flights at the Kyneton Airfield are set to almost double from 5110 to 10,000 a year under plans outlined in a draft Kyneton Airfield...

Local law proposed to protect Kyneton Airfield

A new local law that would limit the height of objects and activities allowed on properties near Kyneton Airfield is being proposed by Macedon...

Community to celebrate at Kyneton Airfield

Macedon Ranges and Sunbury residents are being invited to check out their local airfield in celebration of the aero club’s recent award. Kyneton Aero Club...

New law to protect Kyneton Airfield

A new local law to improve the safety of aircraft using Kyneton Airfield is on the way for Macedon Ranges. The law will regulate the...

Kyneton Aero Club flying high after award

Macedon Ranges’ aero club is soaring above the rest of the nation. Kyneton Aero Club (KAC) has been named the 2017 Aero Club of the...


Airport plan to grow terminal

Melbourne Airport is planning to expand its international terminal as soaring passenger numbers put pressure on existing facilities. The airport said it has spent the...