Sunbury focus at shadow cabinet meeting

Local Upper House MP Bernie Finn and Opposition leader Matthew Guy chat with Sunbury residents on a previous occasion. Picture: Damjan Janevski.

The need to rise to the challenges of explosive growth was a persistent theme when Sunbury’s health, local government and emergency service leaders met with members of the state opposition’s shadow cabinet last week.

Close to 80 people were part of talks involving Opposition Leader Matthew Guy and other Liberal politicians including Western Metropolitan MP Bernie Finn.

Mr Guy, who later met the committee of the Sunbury Residents Association, repeated his promise that the town would get its own council in the first term of a Liberal government.

Mr Finn said the talks were a great opportunity for decision-makers to meet the alternative premier.

‘‘Like a lot of areas, the biggest issue facing Sunbury is the growth,’’ he said.

‘‘Here, it’s more so because of what is about to happen [with new estates and so on] … we need to be ready when it does.

‘‘The duplication of Sunbury Road, the Bulla bypass, better health services in town … we’ve been talking about them for years. Now it’s decision time.’’

Following talks about the need for extra parking for commuters and a third level crossing in the town, deputy opposition leader David Hodgett was scheduled to meet residents at Sunbury train station on Monday.