Flood assistance information

Macedon Ranges council Building (Damjan Janevski). 322848_01

Macedon Ranges council is seeking first-hand feedback from residents impacted by the recent storm and flood events, to help officers provide and tailor additional support where appropriate.

Since Christmas eve last year, council said it has received hundreds of reports of flood and storm impacts, and officers are working diligently to prioritise address these queries.

To gather information and provide further support, they are travelling to towns across the shire with a roving Recovery Operations Centre (ROC), inviting and assisting impacted residents to register for support and provide feedback.

Council director community Maria Weiss said council was eager to adopt lessons from previous flood events and support impacted residents where appropriate.

“We know we were more fortunate than some of our neighbouring councils and others across Victoria in terms of extensive flood [and] storm impacts,” she said.

“But we’ve been here before and we want to be proactive in gathering information and supporting our community. I encourage anyone impacted to get in touch.

“On behalf of all of our teams here at council, I’d like to thank the community in advance for their patience and understanding as we continue to work methodically through high number of customer queries.”

The proposed ROC drop-in sessions are listed below, but are subject to change. They will be updated on the website if changes occur.

January 17: council’s Kyneton Administration Centre, 10am-12pm

January 19: Lancefield Neighbourhood House, 10am-12pm and Darraweit Guim Memorial Hall, 2-4pm

January 22: Romsey Hub, 10am-12pm and Council’s Kyneton Administration Centre, 2-4pm

January 24: Lancefield Neighbourhood House, 2-4pm

January 31: Darraweit Guim Memorial Hall, 10am-12pm and Romsey Hub, 2-4pm

February 2: Council’s Kyneton Administration Centre, 10am-12pm

Residents can also provide this feedback online by visiting and filling out a public registration form.

Details: shorturl.at/fkEK4