Bugging to learn more

Alice, 5, at the making summer bugs activity (Damjan Janevski). 382459_01

Kyneton library was full of creepy crawlies last week, with a nature table, bug activities and window mural for school children to explore.

With Taxonomy Australia estimating there are more than 200,000 species of insects in Australia, there were plenty of new species for the attendees to learn about.

Goldfields library acting programs coordinator Chris Donnelly said activities like these hopefully create greater care and interest in Australia’s expansive insect species.

“We’re always after ways to engage kids and make them more interested in their direct environment,” he said.

“Every school holidays there’s a program of events and it will generally revolve around themes and the season will largely influence the activities.”

Mr Donnelly said these activities are free, as they want to make sure they have events going on for families of all incomes.

“It’s good to give parents a break and a place indoors to escape from the sun,” he said.

“This year it’s the wind and rain just as much.”

Details: goldfieldslibraries.com/

Zoe Moffatt