Call to name court after Leslie Thomas

(Damjan Janevski) 228421_02

Hume council will investigate naming court one at Boardman Stadium after a founding member and current vice president of the Sunbury Basketball Association, Leslie Thomas.

Councillor Jack Medcraft raised the motion and said Ms Thomas’ contribution to the basketball association had been “phenomenal” for almost 50 years.

“She recently attended a function at Government House in recognition of her voluntary contribution to basketball in Sunbury,” Cr Medcraft said.

“Volunteers are things you cannot find very easily and to have somebody so dedicated to spend that many years in making a facility worthwhile for young people… needs to be recognised.

“She’s seen Boardman Stadium grow… I started basketball about 1978… We started at the back of the Sunbury Football Club, and then down to Boardman with a couple of courts.

He said even a tornado couldn’t have stopped Ms Thomas from advancing the court to what it is today.

“It’s only because of the hard work that Leslie Thomas has put in to make the Sunbury Basketball Association the power that it is today,” he said.

Officers have asked for further information on Ms Thomas so the naming proposal could be assessed under the applicable council policy before a report is prepared.