Bulla and Sunbury’s sporting upgrades

The replacement of Bulla Village Tennis Club pavilion has been given priority in Hume council’s draft seven-year plan to upgrade sporting pavilions.

Four Sunbury sporting facilities have also been chosen for upgrades in 2019-20 in the council’s draft Sports Pavilion Plan 2018 and Outdoor Sports Lighting Policy and Plan 2018.

The council allocated $18 million towards upgrading and constructing sports pavilions over the next four years in its draft 2018-19 budget. Another $3.8 million has been proposed to upgrade lighting at sports grounds across the next four years.

Mayor Geoff Porter said the council was seeking to improve community health and wellbeing.

“These upgrades will ensure improved access for all, particularly with the inclusion of female-friendly amenities, which will go a long way in supporting local female sport participation,” Cr Porter said.

The draft Sports Pavilion Plan lists Bulla Village Tennis Club pavilion as of high priority for replacement and schedules its design and build for 2019-20.

Extension and upgrade of the second pavilion at Sunbury’s Boardman Reserve has also been listed as a high priority, with design and the start of construction scheduled for 2020-21.

Under the draft sports lighting plan, a pitch at Sunbury’s Langama Park Reserve, an oval at John McMahon Reserve and Sunbury Recreation Reserve’s outdoor netball court will get new lighting in 2019-20.

The council is taking feedback on both plans until May 30, and will hear submissions at a meeting on June 4.