FB: How would you rate your cooking skills?
PM: About a 6.5
FB: What is your signature dish?
PM: Medium-rare rib eye off the barbecue or roast pork from the Weber.
FB: If you could only have one more meal, what would it be?
PM: Rib eye off the barbecue.
FB: What is your favourite TV food show and who is your favourite TV food person?
PM: Jamie Oliver because of his simplicity of preparation in the average person’s kitchen. Also Matt Preston, mainly because of the cravats and long coats he wears … he often looks like something out of Oliver Twist or Pirates of the Caribbean!
FB: What is your favourite food?
PM: Most things, but love a good lemon curd tart.
FB: What is your favourite drink?
PM: A ripping pinot noir.
FB: Which five people would you most like to invite to dinner?
PM: Russell Coight, Shane Jacobsen, Bruce McAvaney, Ross Stevenson and Jennifer Keyte.
FB: Do you have a kitchen tip for us?
PM: Always clean up as you go.
Can you think of a vegie that is more maligned than the poor old brussels sprout? Kids and adults alike have been known to turn up their noses at the mere mention of them … “I hate the smell. I hate the taste! I just HATE them.” Perhaps it’s the way our parents boiled them into oblivion that contributed to their reputation as the social leper of the vegetable world.
Well I, for one, have long been a fan of the humble sprout. I love them pan-fried with butter, garlic and a good squeeze of lemon. Chuck in some pancetta for a match made in heaven.
But if you really want to experience just how delicious brussels sprouts can be, try your hand at brussels sprouts sliders. There are recipe variations available online, but basically … halve the sprouts, toss them in olive oil and sea salt and roast until golden on the outside and nice and soft on the inside. The sprout halves become your slider “buns”. Fill them with crispy bacon, a slice of brie and caramelised onion, spear it all together with a toothpick (just like a mini-burger) and you’ll find it hard to stop at one. Not only do they look and taste great, they’re a super option for those keeping an eye on their carb intake.
Next time you have visitors over, try whipping them up as an appetiser to serve with drinks.
For an easy step-by-step guide, try the brussels sprouts sliders recipe at