Macedon Ranges handmade fashion right from the art

Nicole Papax. (Photo: Joe Mastroianni)

Original handmade fashion, from knits to jewellery, will be on display at The Gallery Mount Macedon’s winter solstice Art to Wear parade and sale.

Models will show off a range of garments and accessories crafted by Macedon Ranges creatives at Jubilee Hall, Macedon from 1pm on July 6. Gallery president Colleen Weste says ticket sales have been going well. “There will be a lot of amazing things for people to see,” she says.

“Absolutely everything is handmade. They’re all unique pieces as all the artists have come up with things quite original.”

Pieces not sold on the day will be shown at the gallery during July. Tickets, which cost $25, include champagne and afternoon tea.

Bookings: or call 0419 009 030