Exploring digital technologies at Sacred Heart College

Students collaborate to learn about engineering and technology.

Students in the Junior Years at Sacred Heart College study a range of subjects, with an aim of

developing skills, interest, and knowledge across many subject areas.

One of the most popular of these is Digital Technologies. This year, the college’s talented Year 7 and 8 Robotics students embarked on an exciting journey of engineering and innovation. Students built and programmed their Lego Mindstorm robots to move in the form of shapes and several

students successfully used the sensors, which included distance recognition, to avoid any obstacles. Through this hands-on experience they gained invaluable skills in problem-solving,

teamwork and critical thinking.

In Year 9 Accelerated Computing students learned how to build a home network for a client. This included the workings of hardware, software and how computers are connected to the internet. In the VR space students experienced a new virtual reality environment known as Avantis World, using a joystick controller to navigate streets, buildings and homes that were virtually created to see how computers and networks are connected.

Year 9 Interactive Gaming and Coding students used GameMaker to create simple games such as space shooter, space rocks and extend a platformer game. They learned about algorithm and

programming theory, exploring concepts such as flowcharts and pseudocode as part of program design. The essentials of good game design were also studied before being challenged to use

software to design and then play their own 3D Virtual Reality game.

These subjects, offered in the Junior School, provide a hands-on introduction to digital technologies which can be further developed with studies in the Senior School years. This exposure to real-world applications of robotics, problem-solving, and coding sets a strong foundation for further exploration in technology related fields.

To learn more about the educational offerings of Sacred Heart College Kyneton, consider booking your place at one of the regular college tours – bookings can be made via the college website:
