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Women's Health

Young women turning their back on the pill

I was put on birth control when I was 14, three years later after 250 consecutive days of menstrual bleeding and seven alternative birth...

Surgeon reconstructs hope

“Women’s health has always been a passion of mine,” would probably sufficiently explain why Dr Anannya Chakrabarti is a reconstructive breast surgeon, but it...

Virtual health clinic for women

A free virtual health clinic will help to make women’s health more accessible for women across Victoria. On Wednesday, February 5, Health Minister Mary-Anne...

Call to end the trend

This January marked the 10-year anniversary since the banning of commercial solarium beds across Australia. Despite this ban, Cancer Council Victoria reports that a large...

Antenatal care without the stigma

Finding the right place to give birth and be comfortable is something that is near the top of an expecting mother’s lists. The hospital needs...

Pelvic pain and what to do about it

Alex Lopes is a pelvic health physiotherapist, the director of Pelvic Health Melbourne in Altona North, and past national chair of the Australian Physiotherapy...

Program aim to turn men into women’s allies

Women’s Health Victoria (WHV) has launched an online training program for men who want to become better allies in promoting gender equality – whether...

Relief for POP

Pelvic Organ Prolapse refers to any dropping or bulging of the pelvic organs – the bladder, uterus, or bowel – happening when there is...

Public fertility service welcomes first baby

The family of the first baby born due to intervention from Northern Health's fertility service recently made a special visit to the health service's...

Conversations are key this White Ribbon Month

As White Ribbon Month gets under way, the organisation is working harder than ever to prevent violence against women by engaging men and boys...

Taranto’s road to recovery

One of the hallmarks of the rise of women’s sport over the last decade, is the sense that it is different. Rather than just...

Survivor wins the battle

After a courageous battle, Myrniong’s Lynn Burgess conquered cancer in just over a year. She spotted a lump on her armpit while shaving while pregnant...

Addressing adenomyosis

Adenomyosis is a uterine disease where the tissue that normally lines the uterus, the endometrium, grows into the muscle of the uterus, the myometrium. Seen...

Anxiety is more than a worry

When people think of mental illness, depression is usually the first condition that springs to mind. Yet being the best known doesn’t make it the...

Scars of survival

After living in survival mode, Cobblebank’s cancer survivor Melanie Kuyl's road to self-discovery and healing is never ending. The battle began in 2020,...


Community Calendar

Sunbury Ladies Badminton Club Sunbury Ladies Badminton Club invites women to be part of Sunbury Ladies Badminton Club and enjoy the benefits of physical activity...