Now in its third year, the Altona Beach Film Festival is seeking filmmakers game enough to enter.
This year’s theme is “games” and filmmakers are being urged to use their artistic interpretation, says festival president Annette Stephens.
“Games can be mind games people play, board games, the game of life,” she said.
Last year’s winner was Altona Meadows’ filmmaker Aaron Lester Ellis with his film about schoolyard bullying titled
“Last year was fantastic,” Ms Stephens said.
“We had 37 entries ranging from seven years of age to 70 years of age.
“The creativity of the entrants was amazing: there was animation, there was clay modelling, there were serious films, there was comedy, there were documentaries.
“The film can be no longer than seven minutes long, including credits and title.”
The judging panel comprises professional filmmakers. Awards will be presented in age categories of under 13, under 21 and open age.
There will also be a people’s choice award.
Prize money and awards will be presented at a film screening on August 19.
Entries close Friday, June 30.
Details: altonabeachfilmfestival.com.au
Goya Dmytryshchak