Call for tunnel peace

Wyndham mayor Peter Maynard has urged all sides of state politics to put their differences aside and get a move on with building the West Gate Tunnel. He said the project was “a necessity for greater Melbourne”. “Wyndham has the highest proportion of residents who spend more than two hours or more per day commuting to and from work, which is unacceptable,” Cr Maynard said.

Theft charges

Police arrested a 30-year-old Werribee woman, riding an allegedly stolen motorbike along Sayers Road in Truganina, last Monday. Police followed the woman to Williams Landing and she was apprenhended while allegedly trying to run away about 12.20am. The woman was charged with theft of a motor vehicle, evading police, exceeding the speed limit by 45km/h and various traffic charges.

Coastal plan

Wyndham residents can share their views on Wyndham’s beaches for the council’s Coastal Management Plan. Wyndham’s environment and sustainability portfolio holder, Cr Heather Marcus, said the plan would explore a range of environmental, recreation, economic and development issues. Details: