Death fears over Sunbury dog attack

A dog attack has left a Sunbury couple and their two dogs feeling unsafe.

Nicole Manteit was walking her two small dogs on a leash about 5pm on Saturday, April 26, when another two dogs not on leads ran towards them.

Ms Manteit said one of the dogs was “uncontrollable” and charged at her dogs.

“The owner had no control over it
whatsoever,” she said.

“This was not an off-leash park … I am sick and tired of people who can’t control their dogs.”

Ms Manteit said she was quickly able to pick up her lhasa apso, Sasha, while trying to kick off the attacking dog from her scottish terrier, Buddha.

“[The owner] actually had to drag the dog off with its collar,” Ms Manteit said.

“Sasha is 13, she hardly has any teeth, so what’s going to happen to her if a big dog gets a hold of her and rips her to pieces?”

It was the second attack on Buddha in 12 months at the same park, opposite Waugh Street, Sunbury.

Ms Manteit and partner Andrew Parients say they feel like nothing is being done to protect the safety of the community.

Ms Manteit said a dog should not have to be mauled to death or a child attacked before something was done. She called for owners to take more responsibility for their pets.

Hume council city infrastructure director Steve Crawley said owners should have their dogs on a leash at all times, including on roads and footpaths, unless in a specified off-leash area.

He said all dog attacks or dogs that were not under the effective control of their owners should be reported to council.

Yasemin Talat