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Tag: water

Kyneton water plant upgrade

Coliban Water has announced plans to improve waste and domestic treatment processes at the Kyneton Water Reclamation Plant. In a bid to protect the Campaspe...

Water’s winning ways

Sunbury and Macedon Ranges pupils have made a splash in this year’s National Water Week poster competition. Drawing to the theme of ‘Water for me,...

Drought forces switch to Melbourne water

Water customers in Sunbury, Riddells Creek and Diggers Rest have been switched to the Melbourne supply system, as below average rainfall continues to place...

Drought drives farmers to recycled water

More Macedon Ranges farmers are switching to recycled water as concern about low rainfall continues to mount. Bureau of Meteorology figures show that just 139...

Standpipe review

Standpipe under review Macedon Ranges council will investigate options to upgrade the Kyneton water standpipe and eliminate the risk of thefts and vandalism at the...

New treatment addresses water taste complaints

Western Water has adjusted treatment systems to address a change in taste caused by low water levels at Gisborne’s Rosslynne Reservoir. An additional treatment process...


Didn’t vote in the 2024 local council elections?

Close to 530,000 Victorians who appear to have failed to vote in the October 2024 local council elections will have an opportunity to explain...