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Tag: Victorian Seniors Festival

Woodend’s Graham Boyd is a bloody legend

Woodend’s Graham Boyd has donated blood more than 100 times. And because of his persistence, tens of thousands of blood donations are taking place in...

Edward Jarrett honoured at Victorian Senior of the Year Awards

Sunbury’s Edward Jarrett has been recognised for his tireless contribution to the community. The Sunbury resident of 44 years was honoured with a Senior Achiever...

Celebrate our seniors at Victorian Seniors Festival

When Carole Doyle retired in 2000, she never planned to idly sit around. The 68-year-old says she’s always enjoyed being involved with the community, meeting...


New date for CFA day

After needing to reschedule last month due to fire danger, the Macedon CFA will host its annual community day at the end of this...

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