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Tag: Kyneton Airfield Masterplan

Airfield in holding pattern

The future of Kyneton Airfield’s plans for expansion are still up in the air. Residents will have to wait another three months for a decision...

Kyneton Airfield decision delayed

Kyneton residents could be waiting up to four months to find out if up to 10,000 annual flights could land and take off at...

Airfield plan doesn’t fly: resident

There is no public benefit or justification for Macedon Ranges council to spend money on plans to upgrade the Kyneton Airfield, a resident has...

Airfield ready for takeoff

Flights at the Kyneton Airfield are set to almost double from 5110 to 10,000 a year under plans outlined in a draft Kyneton Airfield...


Calling for kindness

The Kindness Collective Kyneton is calling for more volunteers to assist with its relief services following a “sharp” increase in demand in the past...

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