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Hume artist digs deep

Sunbury artist Elly-Louise Tyquin’s exploration of her emotions through her work has earned her an arts award. The 23-year-old, who is completing a masters degree...

All keyed up for new show

Fours hands make lovely work – that’s the premise of a Kyneton show to be performed by two revered musicians. ARIA award-winning pianist Tamara-Anne...

MY WYNDHAM: Michael Kwon

Singer Michael Kwon and his wife migrated from Mauritius to Australia more than a year ago, before settling in Point Cook.   What brought you to...

Learning leap looms for Wyndham

Talented weavers from the communities of Burma will showcase their skills as part of the Wyndham Learning Festival. The festival, to be presented by the...


Community Calendar

Friends of Woodlands Historic Park Help preserve Woodlands Historic Park and learn about its history by joining the Friends of Woodlands Historic Park. The group...