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Tag: Citizen of the Year

Our new Citizen of the Year

Woodend’s Lisa Richards was named Macedon Ranges Citizen of the Year for leading the way in recycling and reducing waste. Ms Richards, 48, said she was...

My Place: Robert Renton

Robert Renton was named Macedon Ranges Citizen of the Year on Australia Day for his work as a pension and welfare officer. The Kyneton...

Honours for our finest

Woodend’s Shaylyn Blyth and Kyneton’s Jessica Cockerill-Wright have both received Macedon Ranges Young Citizen of the Year awards. And on Saturday, Robert Renton was named...


Year of low rainfall for Victoria

The Bureau of Meteorology released its official record of Australia's climate, water, and notable weather events for 2024, revealing that rainfall was below average...

New vision for hume