Sinclair steps up at Lancefield

New Lancefield coach Alan Sinclair (supplied)

Tara Murray

New Lancefield cricket coach Alan Sinclair had always seen himself taking on a coaching role.

Having grown up playing at the Tigers, Sinclair was keen to put his hand up for the role when the club wanted to turn to the next generation.

“It is pretty good,” he said. “I’ve always wanted to see myself in that role. The club wanted to get one of the young boys in the role and I thought why not and I was able to get the job.”

Sinclair started at the club when he was eight, before playing school cricket at Assumption College and then playing in Seymour.

He returned to the club a few years ago and has been part of the drive to help the club rise back up the ranks.

The first XI just missed finals in the Jensen Shield last season, with Sinclair hoping to be in at least that grade again this season.

“The club dropped right back to club grade and I came back the year after,” he said. “The COVID year we were able to win that.

“We were in Jensen last season and just missed out on finals by a couple of games. We’re not sure what grade we’ll be in, but I’m hoping we’ll be competitive whatever grade we are in.

“We really want to build from there”

Sinclair is hoping his appointment will help attract some of his mates back to the club like Callum Sankey and some others who he played school cricket with.

Sinclair said they were hoping to get the right mix between youth and experience.

The club in its social media post said Sinclair is the right person to lead the club forward.

“With his fighting spirit and brilliant cricket skills, we can’t wait to see what AJ has to offer and what he will bring to both senior men’s sides. As someone who has been in and around the club for many years, AJ is the perfect choice to guide LCC onto a bigger and better 2023-2024 season.”