Cats continue to improve

Bradley Cooke. (Ljubica Vrankovic)

Tara Murray

Macedon has closed the gap on the top sides but needs to take that next step and knock them off in the Riddell District Football League.

The Cats sit 1-3 at the interleague bye having played three of the top four sides from last year and an undefeated Riddell.

Cats coach Al Meldrum can see a lot of positives out of the season so far despite the results.

“We would have loved to have pinched another win,” he said. “We’ve played the top four from last year and the first four games have not been easy.

“We’ve only won one of them but we’ve played at a pretty good level of competitiveness and far improved from where we were last year

“We’re able to stay in games for longer than last year. We’re doing a lot of things right, the wins will add an extra level.”

Meldrum said they traditionally have a hard start to the season, with match ups against Riddell and Diggers Rest in round one and on Anzac Day every year.

One of the most pleasing things for the Cats is the number of young players still getting opportunities in the top side.

Against Wallan, they had eight players in the team who could still play under-19s and reduced the margin from last year.

“It’s the most enjoyable part of coaching,” Meldrum said. “There is so much talent.

“I’m contracted for a number of years and some of our senior players are too, who want to stay to help out.

“We’re four rounds in and it’s four more games they have played together. Every game they get more and more belief.

“That is really exciting for the club, hopefully we can get some wins on the board.”

The Cats have a week off this weekend due to interleague.

Meldrum, who was assistant coach for the RDFL’s interleague side, said they would get a few players back after the break.

The biggest one of those is Jason Cooke, who will give them more strength in front of the ball.

Having played a lot of the top teams, the Cats now face teams that are near them on the ladder and below.

It starts with Kyneton at Kyneton next Saturday.

“We never look too far ahead,” Meldrum said. “They have won the games that they were expected to win.

“It’ll be a really resting game and we’re not looking to far beyond that.”