By Tara Murray
Ever thought that you were too old to still be playing football, but have the itch to still get out on the field?
The Sunbury Masters Football Club could be the place for you then.
The club has over 35 and over 45 teams and is searching for more players for both sides for the upcoming AFL Masters Vic Country season.
Lions president Adam McKenzie said they always had a few changes each year and were looking to top up their list.
“We’re looking for some players for both teams,” he said. “A few players have gone off to play for points in different competitions.
“We don’t know how many players we have until training starts. Normally if we can pick up one or two players, we get three, four or five as their friends join as well.”
The club plays in the country league which includes matches against Gisborne, Woodend and Melton.
Matches are every second weekend, which means players don’t need to commit every week.
McKenzie said anyone was welcome to come down and play if they fit into those age groups.
“It’s only 10 rounds for the year,” he said. “We start in late March and finish in August.
“We will take anyone. We’ve got quite a few take on footy after turning 35.
“They are as keen as anyone and they keep the blokes that have been around really keen.
“It’s a really good footy club and we work around everyone at the club. A lot of guys have kids playing juniors and we try to arrange games around them.”
Excitingly for the club, it is aiming to add women’s masters football to the club in 2026.
McKenzie said they had been approached about putting in a team this season, but decided to hold off a year.
“It will be a big thing for the club,” he said. “It would help the club develop even further.
“Women’s footy has grown astronomically and they came to us at the end of September and said would be interested to do it this year,
“We decided on next year to develop and get the numbers to join the club. We’re keen to support them.”
Pre-season training starts February 3 and will be on Monday and Wednesday nights at Clarke Oval from 6pm, with training only on Wednesday nights during the season.
Details: or 0409 082 369.