The dreams of three Sunbury girls came true when they were granted the chance to meet up with police horses and their riders.
Chloe, 12, Olivia, 15, and Sally, 12, regularly ride their horses around the streets of Sunbury.
Having seen the Victoria Police Mounted Branch also on the streets training police horses, the girls have dreamed of being able to meet them and learn about their work.
During the recent school holidays, Sergeant Monika Kusnierz from Victoria Police and her team joined the girls on the streets of Sunbury.
Sergeant Kusnierz said the unit sometimes trained its horses to be road-wise in Sunbury because the suburb’s roads were not too busy.
Chloe’s mother Sharon O’Rourke said the girls loved the ‘out of the box’ style horse riding, and rode everywhere through Sunbury – including through the KFC and Hungry Jack’s drive-through.
Ms O’Rourke said the girls wanted their horses to become streetwise and were trying to bring back the country-feel in Sunbury by riding around town.