Workshopping positive support


A new series of online workshops aiming to tackle traditional stereotypes of men and boys is set to be launched in the Macedon Ranges.

The Tomorrow Man led initiative, run in cooperation with Sunbury and Cobaw Community Health (SCCH), will probe the nature of embedded gender stereotypes and explore how they can affect the mental health of men.

The workshop will be tailored to parents of carers of teenage boys.

Star Weekly reported in December 2021 that a study, conducted by the North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network, that outdated stereotypes that males should be self-reliant and unemotional were creating below average mental health outcomes in the shire.

Workshop facilitator Jack Ryder said role models are crucial to alleviating the pressure of traditional stereotypes.

“As a dad of two boys, I have seen the positive outcomes that result from questioning the supposed rules that boys often think they have to follow,” Mr Ryder said.

“At Tomorrow Man we are inspired every day by hearing people open up for the first time. We want to create more spaces where people can really talk and learn from one another.”

The series will kick off on Tuesday March 8, at 6.30pm and will be held weekly.


Oliver Lees