Lancefield Road works pause for winter

Works to improve safety on the Melbourne-Lancefield Road have paused for winter.

VicRoads crews have been working at two sites – from Monegeetta to Romsey and Romsey to Lancefield – since January as part of works on an 11-kilometre stretch of the road. Crews have been widening and sealing road shoulders and constructing four new overtaking lanes.

Future works will include installing flexible safety barriers along the centreline and left-hand side of the road to prevent head-on and run-off-road crashes.

During excavation work earlier this year, engineers discovered the road was in a poorer condition than expected, requiring extra remediation to ensure a durable road surface.

VicRoads said the unanticipated work, combined with the wet and wintry conditions, led to the decision to pause the works until September.

VicRoads safe system infrastructure program director Bryan Sherritt said the safety works were now expected to be completed by December.

“Pausing the project during the winter months is the most effective way to ensure a high quality of works and minimal disruption to road users,” he said.

“Traffic management will also be in place through the suspension period, including raising the speed limit to 80km/h at each worksite.”