Wood gather season opens

By Esther Lauaki

The spring firewood collection season has opened, meaning residents can pick up wood from designated areas until November.

Hume assistant chief fire officer Jarrod Hayse reminded gatherers to stay within collection limits.

“You may collect up to two cubic metres of firewood per person per day, and up to 16 cubic metres per household per year,” he said. “This prevents households stockpiling large volumes of firewood and denying others a supply.

“Some designated firewood collection areas may not open at the beginning of the season for various reasons, including supply or accessibility due to wet conditions. Firewood collection areas that have proposed burns within them … may be closed early or at short notice.”

He said closures of firewood collection areas due to burning operations would be notified on site, at local Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning offices and on the website and DELWP Hume Facebook page if time allowed.

Forest Fire Management Victoria and Parks Victoria staff will patrol parks, forests and reserves to make sure people are doing the right thing.

“The felling of any trees for firewood is strictly prohibited and it’s also illegal to sell firewood collected on public land without an appropriate permit or licence,” Mr Hayse said.

Details: bit.ly/2qP7Mll