Warming winter donation

Underworks workers Sammy Farani and Georgia Azzopardi packing socks. (Damjan Janevski) 416299_02

A Broadmeadows company will be donating 30,000 essential clothing items to vulnerable Australians this winter.

Underworks and Foodbank Victoria have partnered with charities Thread Together, The Salvation Army and The Good Box to distribute donations received as part of the I Give a Sock program.

The campaign will provide socks, underwear and thermal underlayers to Australians in need.

According to Underworks, more than 7000 people are sleeping rough in Australia and remain at risk of illness and even hypothermia.

Underworks chief executive Sam Todaro said the importance of warm clothing should not be overlooked, especially over the colder months.

“Cold temperatures can be life-threatening, and those sleeping rough are particularly at risk of developing significant health issues,” he said.

“Warm clothes help to provide insulation and retain body heat, but they also help protect against harsh weather conditions.

“We know this from working with various charity partners and want to support those who need it most.”

According to Thread Together, one in eight adults and one in six children do not have access to adequate essential clothing.

Socks are some of the least donated items, despite being of great importance, as they prevent blisters, sores, as well as foot infection s and diseases, the charity said.

Max Westwood