Walking out of the shadows

People taking part in the 2018 Out of the Shadows Walk. (Supplied: MRSPAG/Isabelle Jai Photography)

This year’s World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10 message is ‘Creating hope through action’ – the annual Out of the Shadows walk in Walk in Woodend on Saturday will do just that.

Run by the Macedon Ranges Suicide Prevent Action Group (MRSPAG), the walk around Woodend’s Children’s Park will seek to raise awareness, reduce stigma and support those impacted by suicide.

MRSPAG volunteer Sarah Lungu said the walk was an opportunity for the community to come together and honour those they’ve lost, while working to prevent suicide into the future.

“Macedon Ranges is seen as the place to live, it is gorgeous, however he have a high rate of suicides in our area, which is heartbreaking,” Ms Lungu said.

“On days like this… it really emphasises the community level of togetherness and support and that we’re here for one another.”

The event kicks off at 9am, with a barbecue in toe and people from suicide prevention group StandBy there to offer support, as well as MRSPAG reprentatives highlighting a range of local resources.

Due to COVID-19, the walk was taken online for a couple of years, and Ms Lungu is so glad it can happen in person again – and they’re welcoming volunteers.

“In the past there’s been hundreds taking part. Because we’re a small community, everyone knows someone who has been affected,” Ms Lungu said.

“MRSPAG invites you to come along for the morning in solidarity as a community that care for one another.”

Email suicidepreventionwalk@mrspag.com.au to register for this event or if you would like to volunteer on the day.

If you need mental health support, contact Lifeline on 13 11 14.

Elsie Lange