Unit plan rejected

By Jessica Micallef

A planning permit application to build two double storey dwellings in Sunbury has been knocked back.

The application, from 2Form Consulting Pty Ltd, to build two double storey dwellings at the back of an existing single storey property at 15 Denman Court, was rejected by councillors at Hume’s council meeting last Monday.

Letters were sent to neighbouring homes about the application. Nine objections were raised, including
the development not fitting in with the neighbourhood’s character, traffic and parking issues, drainage issues and bin collection difficulty.

Cr Ann Potter said the proposal was not an “appropriate design”.

“On paper this can look like it does tick a lot of the boxes,” she said.

“However, Cr [Leigh] Johnson and I both undertook a site visit and we were quite surprised and alarmed at the slope of the land, given that the slope … is significant [and] that is a concern.

“When I look at the site and when I look at where the crossover is proposed, I cannot see how you would ever fit six bins out the front of this dwelling.”

Cr Drew Jessop said the proposal was the “right design” in the “wrong location”.

“It’s in a court [and] that’s probably the worst place to place a multi unit development … where you have the least amount of parking [and] bin space,” he said.