Trial smoking ban for Sunbury street

Smoking will be forbidden in a popular Sunbury dining precinct from March, with Hume council agreeing to a 12-month trial ban.

People will be unable to light up in O’Shanassy Street East, between Station and Brook streets, with the ban extending from shopfronts to the road, including kerbs.

The trial, which aims to strengthen the street’s reputation as a premier dining precinct, comes after Sunbury Business Association and Sunbury Community Health backed a campaign led by traders, including Vic and Carmel Scerri, of Vic’s Food and Wine.

As reported by Star Weekly, an overwhelming majority of residents surveyed late last year said they would welcome restrictions.

Mr Scerri said the ban would benefit people working, shopping and eating in the street’s shops and cafes.

‘‘Nobody wants to have someone blowing smoke at them,’’ Mr Scerri said.

The council expects most people will voluntarily comply with the ban.

‘‘The smoke-free area will be clearly signed,’’ a report stated. ‘‘Fines may apply if a person fails to comply.’’

Quit Victoria supports the creation of smoke-free outdoor dining and drinking areas across the state. The council will collect feedback about the trial before considering permanent measures.
